Chadron State College Identity Standards Guide
The Identity Standards provide guidance for graphic designers and writers as they create documents and other materials for Chadron State College’s promotional and communication efforts. The Identity Standards covers proper use of colors, fonts, logos, and subsidiary marks associated with Chadron State. The institution’s goal in communicating with external audiences is to clearly deliver a message in an appealing manner while conveying a consistent identity.
The concept of identity standards has become a time-honored method of marketing and public relations. The most successful institutions, including Fortune 500 companies, colleges, and universities, have strengthened their image by maintaining a set of guidelines that represent and foster a cohesive unit.
Additional Guides
The Quick Brand Guide is a useful reference for some of the material in the Identity Standards Guide. The Editorial Style Guide contains a number of writing tips that comprise CSC’s house style. The Social Media Standards Guide provides information for departments creating and managing social media accounts.
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College Relations Is Here to Help
A number of resources are available both internally and externally to help Chadron State employees create professional-quality promotional materials and communications. College Relations staff members are available to help in the production of quality documents from start to finish, and academic departments offer courses in subjects related to design and writing. Of course, a wide range of resource materials are available in print and online to help ensure quality and success. Designers seeking assistance or suggested reference materials may contact College Relations at 308-432-6212. The department’s offices are on the main level of Sparks Hall, the Crites Hall studio, and the Print Shop in the Burkhiser Complex.
College Relations, in association with Information Technology Services, is charged with oversight of material published at Chadron State’s official site on the World Wide Web,, and its subordinate files. Individuals who want to be involved with the development of pages on Chadron State’s site may contact IT after obtaining approval from a supervisor.
The official website of CSC’s athletic program,, is the primary Internet presence for all of CSC’s athletic programs. The Sports Information Director acts as the webmaster of the athletic website to provide the public and media with current information regarding men’s and women’s varsity athletic programs and to generate support and fanfare.
The rules of Chadron State’s Identity Standards apply to digital files, just as they do to those in print.
Referencing Chadron State College
When writing about Chadron State College, it is recommended to use the institution’s full name, “Chadron State College,” on first reference. Subsequent references may refer to the institution as “Chadron State” or “CSC.” In advertising and informal copy, the college’s website may be referred to using the shorthand “” phrase.
CSC Logos and Logo Use
To obtain copies of the CSC logos for use in printed, electronic, and other materials, please contact any of the College Relations staff. You may be asked to provide information about your intended use, and provide proof copies of the material for review prior to publication. The CSC logos must be reproduced in accordance with this Identity Standards Guide.
Figure 1: Chadron State College Eagle logo Figure 2: Chadron State College official seal The primary identifying mark for CSC is the Chadron State College Eagle logo (Fig. 1). This logo serves as a dynamic brand that showcases CSC’s excellence in academics, athletics, and service.
Consistent and prominent use of an institution’s logo is a vital factor in developing brand identity. The Chadron State College Eagle logo is designed to appear in all college documents produced for an external audience.
The Chadron State College official seal (Fig. 2) is only allowed in documents of a formal or ceremonial nature, including diplomas and other materials that describe a student’s academic relationship to CSC, or in to those that are personnel-related. For more information, please contact College Relations.
Figure 3: Black ®, light background Figure 4: White ®, dark background The registered trademark ® symbol must accompany the Chadron State College logos, and is included in all versions distributed by College Relations. Versions with black (Fig. 3) and white (Fig. 4) registered trademark ® symbols are available for easy visibility on light and dark surfaces.
The file names for each logo contain “BlackR” or “WhiteR” to differentiate between the two versions. File names of the logo containing the word “Solid” use one color throughout, including the registered trademark ® symbol.
The Chadron State College institutional marks should stand clear of other elements when used as an identifying mark in a document. No elements should overlap or obscure the logo. At print sizes of 1-inch or larger, a minimum of 1/6-inch clear space should appear around the mark. Additional clear space may be needed to keep the logo from appearing crowded on the document. CSC institutional marks should appear large enough to be easily identifiable.
Institutional Colors
The Chadron State College Eagle logo uses black, cardinal, gray, and white, and may be reproduced in full color, grayscale, solid black, solid cardinal, or solid white. CSC logos may not be reproduced in other colors, particularly in silver or green. Following are the values used to create the official CSC colors.
Black Cardinal
(printed material)Cardinal
(electronic material)Gray White RGB
0, 0, 0RGB
102, 0, 51RGB
217, 217, 217RGB
255, 255, 255CMYK
80, 80, 80, 100%CMYK
0, 100, 36, 37%CMYK
0, 0, 0, 20%CMYK
0, 0, 0, 0%Hex
0º, 0, 0%HSV
330º, 100, 40%HSV
0º, 0, 85%HSV
0º, 0, 100%Notes on Reproducing CSC Colors
Different cardinal colors are used for print and electronic materials, because of the way print and electronics differ in their display of color. Printed materials include traditional paper products, screen-printed objects, textiles, and others. Electronic materials include websites, presentations such as PowerPoint, video, and others.
Pantone colors will provide consistent reproduction, although they are not required for good reproduction. CSC's cardinal color can be reproduced in printed materials with Pantone 208 if needed.
Correct and consistent color reproduction can be a complicated process. The College Relations designers can provide recommendations and guidance on correctly reproducing colors.
Logo Color Variations and Guidelines
There are several variations of the CSC Eagle logo available. The full-color version, which consists of black, cardinal, gray, and white, is used when a full range of colors is available for reproduction. The single color “solid” versions are intended for use where a single shade is needed for reproduction. Black-and-white versions are intended for use in grayscale reproductions, such as black-and-white newsprint. Please see the specimen charts in this guide for examples of each CSC Eagle logo variation.
When preparing color documents, designers often print a test page to confirm the colors appear correctly on paper. Be careful about filling a document with many different colors; a limited set of colors will probably deliver the message more clearly.
Secondary Colors
This collection of secondary colors provides a variety of additional colors for use in designs.
Name RGB Hex CMYK C-Hill Green 27, 88, 44 #1B582C 86, 39, 100, 38% Cedar Red 215, 56, 40 #D73828 0, 91, 92, 11% Chicoine Fog 144, 154, 167 #909AA7 47, 34, 27, 0% Clock Tower Glow 231, 154, 36 #E79A24 8, 44, 100, 0% Copper Brown 131, 103, 71 #836747 0, 25, 49, 58% Deep Blue 0, 54, 107 #00366B 100, 63, 0, 49% Frontier Sky 52, 196, 233 #34C4E9 64, 0, 5, 0% High Rise Beige 209, 187, 174 #D1BBAE 18, 25, 28, 0% Lucinda Purple 142, 47, 146 #8E2F92 52, 97, 0, 0% Neutral Cool 223, 235, 236 #DFEBEC 7, 0, 2, 4% Neutral Green 210, 221, 214 #D2DDD6 7, 0, 7, 11% Neutral Warm 245, 239, 236 #F5EFEC 0, 2, 2, 3% Prairie Orange 179, 83, 38 #B35326 22, 77, 100, 12% Sandhills Teal 0, 121, 133 #007985 74, 0, 21, 44% Spring Green 56, 180, 73 #38B449 75, 0, 100, 0% Sunflower Yellow 241, 203, 20 #F1CB14 6, 17, 100, 0% -
Licensing the CSC Logo
For information about licensing the Chadron State College logos, please contact College Relations at 308-432-6213 or email
Chadron State College’s official marks are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and are not to be used on merchandise, promotional items, and other objects without consent of the institution. Generally, Chadron State encourages the use of its logos on promotional materials such as T-shirts, coffee mugs, and writing utensils. However, all applicable rules of CSC’s Identity Standards are to be followed and College Relations reserves the right to refuse the usage of the official logos on materials of any nature.
CSC Logo and Mark Variations
CSC Eagle logo Landscape wordmark style CSC Eagle logo Block wordmark style CSC Eagle logo Portrait wordmark style In addition to the standalone Chadron State College Eagle logo, three wordmark styles are available. The styles are Portrait, Landscape, and Block. These styles should not be altered.
CSC 1911 Mark landscape style CSC 1911 Mark block style The CSC 1911 Mark is a secondary mark that can be used to denote the tradition and history of the college. This secondary mark should not replace the use of the official CSC Eagle Logo, but can be used to accompany it in materials. These styles should not be altered.
CSC Script Mark landscape style CSC Script Mark block style The CSC Script Mark is a secondary mark that can be used to promote the excitement of the experiences at the college. This secondary mark should not replace the use of the official CSC Eagle Logo, but can be used to accompany it in materials. These styles should not be altered.
Subsidiary Marks and Logos
Subsidiary marks may be used to identify a school, department, or program within Chadron State College. College personnel may use such marks in addition to the CSC Eagle logo upon approval by College Relations and review by Cabinet.
Affiliated Institution Logos
NSCS logo NCAA logo RMAC logo Chadron State College employees often create documents in which logos and marks of affiliated institutions and organizations warrant placement. Please give consideration to Chadron State’s brand and the standards of the referenced institutions when placing such graphics.
For instance, the Nebraska State College System, the governing body of Chadron, Peru, and Wayne state colleges, requires that its logo appear on all documents of its institutions. The placement of this mark, however, should not compete for prominence with the Chadron State College Eagle logo on documents designed for CSC.
If supplying a CSC Eagle logo for use by an affiliated organization, please ensure that CSC’s Identity Standards are not violated. In addition, many affiliated organizations, such as the National Collegiate Athletic Association and the Higher Learning Commission, adhere to a set of identity standards that should be considered when referring to their organizations. Failure to follow these standards may jeopardize CSC’s relationship with a given organization.
Historical Logos
A number of previous logos and other images have been used both officially and unofficially to identify Chadron State College since its founding in 1911. These marks are to be used only in historical documents that clearly define the images’ past relationship to the institution. These documents may include historical photographs, news stories, audiovisual clips, and similar items. College Relations will provide guidance on use of previous logos and other images.
Correct and Incorrect Logo Use
Do not stretch Do not skew Do not reassign colors Do not sacrifice legibility Do not separate or recombine elements Do not apply graphic effects When using the Chadron State College logos as identifying marks for the institution, it is important to keep the marks legible. Pictured are some examples of incorrect logo use. See the specimen section in this guide for examples of correct use of the Chadron State College logos. If you are unsure if your use of a CSC logo is correct, please contact College Relations.
Typography and Fonts
Chadron State College’s primary font is Myriad Pro, which is recommended for use as the largest and most dominant typography in college documents. The college’s primary text body font is Garamond. The primary font for CSC athletics is Play. Secondary fonts that are also acceptable for use in CSC documents are Aptos, Calibri, Helvetica, Arial, Minion, Times New Roman, Georgia, and Cambria. To avoid the risk of producing a cluttered document, use Myriad Pro for heads, subheads, captions, and tabular material, and Garamond for body text. Users may contact College Relations to discuss using other fonts in a document. To obtain the primary CSC fonts, users may contact the Department of Information Technology.
Letterhead and Business Cards
Letterhead Secondary Mark Letterhead Business Card Alternative Business Card Another valuable component of Chadron State College’s effort to develop and foster a consistent identity is the use of standard business cards and stationery. Official letterhead and business cards are available at the Print Shop in the Burkhiser Complex. Letterhead that includes an approved secondary mark is available; secondary marks should appear in the upper-right corner of the text body.
Name Badges
Name Badge A name badge template is available for CSC departments. The badge is designed to be easily readable and identify the employee as a member of the college. For the name badge template file, please contact College Relations.
CSC employees are encouraged to wear name badges when appropriate. Employees should check with their supervisor for dress code information.
Email Signature
Email Signature Chadron State College employees use a standard email signature that can be customized to include links to departmental websites and CSC social media accounts, among other items. For the email signature reference file, please contact College Relations.
Chadron State College Logo Specimens
These specimen displays show the screen versions of the CSC Eagle logo. Versions for use in print media are also available.
Chadron State College Eagle logo specimens. Chadron State College Eagle logo Landscape wordmark specimens. Chadron State College Eagle logo Portrait wordmark specimens. Chadron State College Eagle logo Block wordmark specimens.
Version: September 2024
Previous Updates: Feb. 2024, Aug. 2023, July 2023, Jan. 2022, April 2020, June 2016, Jan. 2016, Sept. 2015, July 2015, Sept. 2014, Aug. 2014, July 2014, July 2013
This web page is regularly maintained. Updates to the Chadron State College Identity Standards Guide may be found at the College Relations website.